Hi! My name’s Nicki. I’m a sysadmin living in Birmingham, Alabama. I have lived in Alabama all of my life. I have a deep appreciation and love of nature. I also love outdoor sports — particularly college football. I’m a rabid University of Alabama Crimson Tide football fan.
I love to play around with my blogs and dabble in web designery type things when time allows. I consider myself an avid gamer and have played various FPSs and RPGs over the years. I have played several MMOs over the years, namely Aion and Revelation Online. I am currently playing Guild Wars 2 with friends and family, but mostly play on weekends due to a demanding day job and other responsibilities.
I love music, and will listen to pretty much anything but modern country. I’ve an appreciation for opera and classical, a deep love for the blues, bluegrass, and classic rock. My “true love” of music will always be heavy metal. Growing up, my favorite band was Metallica. Because of this, a friend dubbed me “Nitallica” and the name stuck.
I love to read. I’m a Firefox fangirl. I love bad monster movies, old horror flicks, martial arts films, and have a soft spot for anything with Bruce Lee, vampires, or werewolves in it, or anything written by Mel Brooks. I love anything ‘geeky’ or dealing with technology. I’m a sucker for anything to do with animals. I’m addicted to LOLcats, love Star Wars AND Star Trek (OS), and am picky about my anime. I’m a comic geek (DC ~and~ Marvel!) and sweet tea enthusiast.
Wanna know anything else? Just ask. ^_^
Volunteer Work
I’m currently a volunteer staff member with The Fanlistings Network. Past charitable and volunteer works have included Habitat for Humanity, Soldiers’ Angels, Princess Girlz Ministries, A Million Thanks, Forgotten Soldiers Outreach, Big Brothers/Big Sisters of America, and the United Way.
The Socials
<< · The Geek Ring · ?? · >>
<< · The HotLine WebRing · >>
<< · The Retronaut Webring · >>
<< · Ladies of the Links · ?? · >>
<< · Free Speech WebRing · >>
<< · Silly.City WebRing · ?? · >>
<< · The Cuddler Webring · >>
<< · NetRing Nerds · ?? · >>
<< · devring.club · ?? · >>
<< · Bucket Webring! · >>