Why is it in today’s society that it is so hard for people to be truthful? It’s too easy to tell a lie to avoid hurting someone’s feelings or to avoid getting in trouble. Are we afraid of the truth? Or is it more about consequences?
The truth has become a rare commodity. I am honest with folks and I expect them to be honest with me, and I’m always surprised when they are not. My ex-husband lied to me about many things. So did my last boyfriend. I should not have been surprised, and I guess you could say I was more hurt than anything because my trust was betrayed.
Even strangers lie, about stupid shit that doesn’t even matter. A great example is earlier this week I was dealing with an issue with a customer support representative with IBM. He or someone in his office was poking around our web server. When I asked him about it he said it was not him and it could not have been anyone from his office. Yet the web server logs told me otherwise. The IP address that was poking around matched his office’s geographical location, it belonged to IBM, and it was in the same subnet as the IP address from his emails that he sent me. I was not mad that he was looking at our server, I was mad that he lied to me.
Why is it so hard for people to tell the truth nowadays? Are we really so far removed from each other that we can’t be honest? Is it easier not to care if we lie?
Or has it always been this way, and I am just more aware now than I used to be?
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