I was cleaning out a box I found at the bottom of my closet last night and ran across something from my college days that I had forgotten all — remember those old sound machines that people used for de-stressing, sleeping, etc.? My roommate had given me one, but I don’t think I ever used it. I never could get into those things, though she used them all the time to fall asleep. (Damned things always kept me awake.) I gave it to Jessie thinking she might get a kick out of it. It had 4 sounds: water, thunder, white noise, and (what was supposed to be) birds — though the birds sounded like some weird alien musical instrument, LOL!
Jessie still thought it was neat though. She thanked me for sharing my “lost treasure” with her. :mrgreen:
AWWWW! That is so sweet! :mrgreen:
I find total silence is the best thing to help me sleep. that and about 10 beers/shots. Thats 10 beers AND 10 shots.