The last 18 hours has been a night of many firsts. Not necessarily Bucket List items. More like the “Have You Ever…?” List kind of things.
It’s a long story, but summary is: I had a serious reaction to a medication, which triggered the most severe panic attack I’ve ever experienced, which of course then caused me to believe I was dying of a heart attack. My pulse and BP were dangerously elevated. I was having chest pressure with light pain. I was either numb or tingling in my extremities, or both. I was very very stoned, and worse, it came with generous side doses of intense paranoia and anxiety.
Little hospital. Big scared.
An EKG and other tests were run, was told my heart looked fine. I had difficulty recalling my medications and medical history. What’s sad is I keep a list on my phone on my Health ID for this very reason. I never thought about it until after I got home.
Anyways I’m fading, and it’s taken me over an hour to write this little bit. I still feel stoned, but am not at the level of impairment I had last night. Doc told me to sleep as much as possible (which ofc I’m afraid to do right now), and drink a ton of water. Sadly this isn’t the good kind of stoned either. It’s like being completely wasted drunk, except you still hurt and feel everything. My body feels heavy and any kind of movement requires concentration.
I took today off sick and am hoping to be back to more myself tomorrow. This feeling sucks. Last night sucked. I don’t ever want to do that again. Having my hysterectomy was a carnival compared to this.
Also: someone remind me never ever ever to go to UAB again. Brookwood’s ER 20 years ago was much nicer than theirs.
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