This morning’s edition is courtesy of my mother-in-law :)
What is Generation Y?
Hmm, I’ve always wondered this myself. Now I know.
- The Silent generation — people born before 1946.
- The Baby Boomers — people born between 1946 and 1959.
- Generation X — people born between 1960 and 1979.
- Generation Y — people born between 1980 and 1995.
Why do we call the last one generation Y? I did not know, but a cartoonist explains it eloquently below. Learned something new today!
Pretty accurate, don’tcha think? ;)
No! I don’t think I’m an ass! LOL. :tongue2_tb:
Odzyskiwanie Danych
Actualy this is pretty accurate though I don’t know if 1980-1995. I’d say more 1985-1995.
Maybe so. I’ve never understood the whole “wear your pants around your knees” bit, LOL! :)