Remember last year when we attended OmegaCon? We had a blast, and considering it was the con’s first year, I’d have called it a major success. But I became worried that it had been too successful and had moved on to another town — the website had gone down, the MySpace page had gone quiet and hadn’t been updated in a coon’s age, etc. It seemed to have dropped off the face of the planet … until I re-discovered it today!
I had been sitting in a meeting and had the good fortune to be sitting near a terminal with internet access. (Google to the rescue!) I ran across a reference on a local Star Wars forum to an event called “ImagiCon.” Another quick Google and I had found the website: From the sound of it, it’s the same con, but renamed, with a spiffy website, and by the look of it a lot more to see this year.
Ok, so who else is going? :jittery_tb:
Imagicon fills a void | The Terminal - Birmingham AL's hub
[…] Their website appears to be receiving constant updates and it sounds like something that wants to be a part of the local scene for some time to come. It’s already got some folks excited, like Nicki. […]
Ginger Campbell, MD
I heard about ImagiCon from a UAB professor and I was wondering how Birmingham was going to support another similar Con. Perhaps they changed the name because there was already another OmegaCon, which made it easy to go the wrong website, etc.
It’s funny, just a day or so after I posted this, my husband and I were watching Bones and in that particular episode, they attended a con named ImagiCon. LOL!
I’ve been following ImagiCon for a few months now. I was told that this Con’s name is different (ImagiCon instead of OmegaCon) because the guy who owned the OCon name is no longer associated it but had rights to the name, hence the name change. But there seems to be a bigger volunteer basis this year and they already have released the schedule, something that didn’t happen last year. Looks like they are also offering some great late-night entertainment too.
I’ve been following ImagiCon for a few months. I was told that this Con’s name is different (ImagiCon instead of OmegaCon) because the guy who owned the OCon name is no longer associated, but had rights to the name, hence the name change. There seems to be a bigger volunteer basis this year and they already have released the schedule, something that didn’t happen last year.
Here’s their MySpace: