Growing up, my father used to say that PMS was something that women “made up” or that it was all in our minds.
Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight. :roll:
PMS makes us behave in very strange ways. The moody roller coaster from Hades. The bizarre cravings. Crying every time a certain commercial comes on the TV. God help me, I can recall from memory several really bad experiences I’ve had thanks to PMS.
It makes us do really stupid things …
… like me waking my husband up at 3:30 in the morning so I can let him know that I’m still mad at him. :shock:
Ummm, yeah. Sorry ’bout that, Jim. :oops:
Uncle Monster
I was having a conversation with my friend’s daughter who was
23 at the time. I told her that women have a switch inside their
heads that clicks on between the ages of 30 and 35. It’s called
“The Crazy Switch” and around 20 years later it comes loose and
starts flopping around and no one knows where it will land. The woman either turns into Mother Teresa or Hillary Clinton. She responded, “I think I’ve seen that in my mother. OH NO, I only have seven years left!” Her mother is a gorgeous woman in her 50’s.
[8~{} Uncle Monster ‘ducks behind the nearest immobile object’