I had posted a little over a month ago on Bama Angels about an addition to the Soldiers’ Angels site: a real-time counter showing how many soldiers are awaiting adoption. I had been good about checking the site a few times a week, but with the way work has been lately, I hadn’t visited in a while. I was reading on Hooah Wife and friends this morning that the count is up — way up. Nearly 400 soldiers are currently in the queue.
I see that number and instantly think of the men and women that it represents. These soldiers were submitted by a friend, a loved one, or perhaps a C.O. Someone cared enough to submit them to Soldiers Angels … and now it’s our turn to let them know that we care!
What it takes
It’s a small sacrifice. One letter each week. One package each month. Packages can be any size or theme, or you can choose from those listed in the Soldiers’ Angels online store.
This organization is NOT about taking sides, pushy agendas, or political views. It is about our soldiers. Our brave men and women deployed all over the world, defending and protecting the freedoms that we cherish. It is our job to ensure that they never feel forgotten, neglected, unloved.
Will you be a soldier’s angel?
Even if you can’t adopt a soldier, at least take a look at Soldiers’ Angels list of programs. Everyone has a talent of some kind. So, why not put your talents to work for a good cause?
Be somebody’s Angel, and earn your wings.
It is a wonderful feeling to be able to send things out overseas. It makes you get your life into perspective too!
Greta’s last blog post: 381 soldiers waiting for adoption
I agree. This has been both the most rewarding and most humbling experience for me, and I would not trade it for anything in the world.
:mrgreen: And Angels are the NICEST people, too! I know, cos I met Greta and a whole FLOCK (collective noun for Angels?) recently…. :grin:
That they are, brat! :) I’m so very thankful for all my new Angel friends! :D