Oh my, WordPress, you’ve gotten fat!
I’ve been trying to clean up this blog: deleting old pages that aren’t contributing to the site, inactivating and deleting old plugins that are no longer needed (or that I can live without), … etc. I think the hardest part is trying to figure out why I needed some plugins. One is RunPHP. I know I *had* to have it at one point but honestly do not remember if it’s still in use … so I’m currently investigating that one. I may just end up deactivating and waiting a week or so to make sure nothing breaks before deleting it entirely from my Plugins directory.
So if you see something broken … please let me know. Chances are, it’s probably be something I shouldn’t have fiddled with! ;)
In the meantime, I was commenting on Devilish Southern Belle’s blog and noticed a link to Lucia’s Linky Love. It’s a souped up ‘no follow’ plugin for WordPress that has other “do-gooder” functions, like kicking trackback spam to the curb. YAY! I’ll most likely dump Denis de Bernardy’s Dofollow for it. (Sorry, Denis!)
DSB also uses Feedjit. I had kept meaning to check it out, but couldn’t remember the URL once I sat down to research … so, now I got it again. Heh. :grin:
LOL it up!
And something totally un-related to this: ICHC LOLcats will now be appearing on Jones Soda bottles. I’ll have to buy some just to get the “LOL-bottles”!!! :mrgreen:
Devilish Southern Belle
Yay, I love the Linky Love plugin! Glad to be of help.
Hey, are you going to try WP 2.5 while it’s in beta? I wanted to, but dare not implement it on my main blog!
Devilish Southern Belle’s last blog post: Need a bit of help here….
I’ve had CommentLuv up for some time now. Its great! Several people have asked me where I got the plugin at. And I’ve followed links to others’ sites from a comment section with it.
Jo’s last blog post: Friday Feast #185
@Devilish Southern Belle: I’m tempted, but seriously doubt it. I’ve still got a handful of things to fix on this thing in 2.3.x LOL!
@Jo: I’ve really enjoyed it. :)