I don’t know how this managed to slip by me, but it did … the Helio Ocean now has the capability to run the new Opera mini 4 beta AND have qwerty access.

PLUS, according to this Heliocity post, WLIrc (an IRC chat client) is also available for the Helio Ocean. Double w00t! My sincerest thanks to Thox and gmonk63 for sharing the Helio Love.
Thanks, guys! :mrgreen:
To Install:
Follow this link to the download links on your Helio device. (view in full HTML obviously!)
Warning: Install at your own risk. This is in no way supported by Helio, Opera, or the WLIrc team. If you have trouble getting it to work, Helio Tech support can’t do squat to help you. (So don’t bug ’em!) As always, back up your stuff before trying to install new applications!
I’ve read GREAT things about Opera Mini, and the other Opera version for phones/PDAs, also.