I woke up about 30 minutes before the alarm was due to go off with an all-too-familiar piercing, excruciating pain on the right side of my head. I had another one of my headaches. I had made it a whole week using the Topamax as a migraine preventive. I got up and got ready and popped one of the Axerts that my doctor gave me “just in case” and cautiously awaited the “loopy” side effects.
I had a brief moment where I was a little light headed and that was it — and it lasted all of 5 seconds. So I was a little late for work and I am still in a bit of pain. Not as much as I was when I first awoke, but when I was driving to work all I could think was, “Dear God, please let me make it in before I throw up.”
What a way to start off a day! :???:
:sad: That stinks! Hopefully this will be a rarity on the Topamax.
Migraines run in my familly too, though i suppose i should consider myself lucky not having them very often (now maybe twice a year) I know all too well how much a migraine hurts (and i get pretty pissed when i hear people whine about have a migraine when it’s simply a headache). i’m supprised you could even go to work, when i have a really bad mirgraine, i can’t stand direct light and will spew out anything i eat or drink.
been more then 6 months since my last, so i’m counting my blessings.
“That stinks! Hopefully this will be a rarity on the Topamax.”
Yeah, but I was given a couple packs of Axert too “just in case” and was told that those make the headache go away quickly. It eventually did, but it took about 4-6 hours and I felt none of the “funny” side effects that my doctor described. *shrug*
I’m supposed to go back to see her in a week or so to let her know how the medicine is doing anyways, so they may up my dosage if it’s not enough, or switch to another. I called yesterday and they gave me a stronger dosage of Axert, which I took last night and put me right to sleep … but I feel a little pressure today still, so I will probably get another one. (especially if it rains!) She reminded me that the Topamax is only a preventative, and I’m to take the Axert when I get headaches otherwise.
“and i get pretty pissed when i hear people whine about have a migraine when it’s simply a headache”
I feel ya there! Some people I just want to slap and tell them how I wish I could be so lucky to cure my headaches with just an aspririn and to shut the fsck up! :p
“i’m supprised you could even go to work”
Sometimes I don’t have a choice, though a lot of mine come on during the day or at night. I’ve had very few that I’ve woken up with. *counting lucky stars!*
“when i have a really bad mirgraine, i can’t stand direct light and will spew out anything i eat or drink.”
I have some times where I can eat, but usually I won’t and I usually drink very little. Both light and sound hurt me as well as heat. Poor Jim, when I try to sleep off one of these headaches, I darken the bedroom, and freeze him to death! LOL