I’ve updated my MonstersGame extension to correct the Server 1 link changes:
Install / Download: [ Firefox site ]
Browse the MonstersGame: Vampires vs Werewolves (UK) website with ease conveniently from the Firefox browser menu. Menu options available for World 1, 2, 3 and 4 players, as well as the forum, news, and support links in addition to other resources. This is a must-have tool for died-in-the-wool MonstersGame junkies. :)
Note: You need to have an active account on Server 1, 2, 3, or 4 in order to access the in-game pages. Once installed, you will see a new menu option in your Firefox browser menu called ‘MG’. For in-game play, use the options in the sub-menu appropriate to the server where your account is located.
A big thanks goes to: Tommelchen for his help in making this extension possible, the MonstersGame forum users who have helped out with ideas and testing, my clan members for inspiration and advice, and YOU!
Comments? Bugs? Suggestions? Feel free to contact me through the email in the About dialog box, or via my website. (Please do not use the feedback/rating system at AMO for support.)
Version Log:
0.1 – Initial Release!
0.2 – Aesthetic fixes.
0.3 – Added Training links.
0.4 – Added context menu.
0.5 – Added UK Server 3.
0.6 – Updated code.
0.7 – Added localization for US & UK.
0.75 – Added UK Server 4.
0.8 – Added Ancestral Site / Firefox 2.0.* compatibility
0.9 – Changed Server 1 links.
Nice extension!
But I thought it has too many sub-menu…
maybe it’ll be better if user can chooce the activing server?
So , nice game this ‘Monsters game’.. Used to play it.
But i saw that there where some individuals who could hunt in several worlds all together about 600-100 hunts per day , and get crazy money.
if you play the game , you maybe see some super players.
It seems that they are game admins too..
right. So the game admins of the game , playing the game , cheat and all the others get looted by them.
i say no more.
download your FREE copy of MgTrainer at http://blackwolf2007.bl.funpic.de/index.php
Enjoy. and stop get harvest.!
Take care
@Annoy: I could, but it would have to be a new extension, and besides someone else’s extension already does that. I designed this one so that people who play on more than one server can switch between them very easily without having to set and re-set options over and over.
@TBW2007: Interesting, though it’s clearly against the MG rules. I may download a copy for “evaluation purposes” use on one of the newer servers. ;)
the copy of mgtrainer has been removed from the site. i`m really curious about how it works (if it works) :smile: could anybody please tell me where i can get a copy of it from? :mrgreen: