Dad called the house early this morning. Basically he wanted to invite us over to the house to eat a bit and go swimming. Of course, about a minute into the conversation he clarifies the “us” as just me and Jessie. I told him that Jim will not let Jessie go over there, Dad said that was fine and I could still come over there. I asked him how long this was going to continue. His response: “Until I see some improvement over there.”
:shock: Excuse me?
Dad made it clear that Jim wasn’t welcome in his house. Fine. I told him that I would not go anywhere Jim can’t. The conversation pretty much ended there.
*sigh* Truth is, I had hoped to go over there today. All of us, that is. I still have Mom’s Mother’s Day present. And I have Dad’s and Jeremy’s birthday gifts. Plus, I hear Jeremy was supposed to be bringing his new girlfriend over.
Jim woke up when the phone rang and came downstairs just after I hung up. I figure he probably heard my side of the conversation … for years, he’s stood by and just listened. I’m sure at times one couldn’t help but hear, especially when my and Dad’s arguments became heated. Hell, my neighbors can probably hear me.
Honestly, I can’t see this getting any better anytime soon. The interesting bit will be this upcoming Thanksgiving and/or Christmas. If Jim is not welcome at the family gettogethers, I won’t be attending either.
At this rate, I may be having a smaller wedding than I first thought.
I know he’s your father and all, but…
what a DICK!
I can’t believe he thought you’d go over there, with or without Jessie, without JIM! And what sort of “improvement” exactly is he hoping to see? And how comfortable would poor Jim feel under these type of circumstances, even IF dad invited him along.
Good for you for standing your ground, and for being direct in asking him “How much longer is this going to go on?” You’ve made your position clear in the past, and it’s like your dad keeps pushing you to see if he can make you choose.
That’s so fucked up.
Maybe it’s time to invite mom and Jeremy to YOUR place. They can leave dad at home and see how HE likes it.
“it’s like your dad keeps pushing you to see if he can make you choose.”
That’s exactly what he’s doing. He’s a control freak, and he’s doing what he thinks he does best: trying to manipulate and control others.
re: Mom and Jeremy. Tried that.
Jeremy hasn’t spoken to me since March, with the exception of matters pertaining to his website. He has a career he’s trying to start. He’s more worried about his campaign and the primaries which are next week; and he’s trying not to take sides in this. I can kind of understand his position, but it still hurts my feelings. But that’s Jeremy — he’s just like my dad.
Mom wants me to come over, and tells me all the time that she misses me. But what gets me is that she is allowing this bullshit to continue.