OK, where’d I leave off?
Monday I got an email from a recruiter near B’ham. I had originally scheduled to go meet with him Tuesday, but had to cancel because the servers went down at work that morning (actually they had been down since the early morning hours but no one bothered to call us *bashes head in screen*), and I knew we wouldn’t be done in time enough for me to leave. :( However, I was able to reschedule for Thursday. :)
Jessie’s birthday was Tuesday, but we are celebrating it tomorrow. Jim and I are throwing her a surprise party. :D
Also, Neal Boortz was in town Tuesday night promoting his new book, so we got to see him. (a VERY nice man!! I’m listening to him right now in fact.) I also saw Richard Dixon and spoke with him for a little bit. (Uncle Monster, I half-expected to see YOU there!!)
Wednesday was pretty uneventful comparatively. Yesterday I had my interview with the recruiter. He seemed pretty nice, and I got the impression that they definitely wanted to fit me into a position for one (or more?) of their clients, so maybe something good will come out of that. New job = gooooooooooood. LOL
I’m a little aggravated because I need a hair cut and fresh dye job. Now, getting these things done usually make me feel good (with the exception of the cost, oy vé!) … but I have been going to the same person to have my hair done for nearly 15 years. She’s recently moved into a new shop, and her receptionist never answers the phone. I hate voicemail. Plus, my stylist is only working two or three days a week now, tops!! She opens long after I leave for work, and closes long before I’m home for work, and isn’t open on at all on weekends. Getting by there now just isn’t plausible. :(
So now I have to look for a new place/person to get my hair done. Plus, I have been calling said stylist for a couple of weeks leaving messages for her … I want to know what brand/color I normally have done. :P Oh well, sucks to be me. Her prices have gone up again recently, so maybe going elsewhere might be a little cheaper … which would be good because I’m going to be broke until after Christmas, LOL!
Here at work, we have a bunch of new clients coming in next week. Plus, the company’s national meeting is next weekend. So needless to say, everyone’s cleaning like mad and panicking over every little thing. I’m just trying to survive until 1, then we can leave. If I can make it until then without choking anyone, it’ll be a good day for me. :D hehehehe
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