Oh boy, what a day … Jim and I saw Episode III: Revenge of the Sith this afternoon. Gawd, I cried my eyes out during this one!
Not a bad movie overall, but it was lacking in several places. For instance: George, where the hell is the Great Wookie Battle you promised???? tsk tsk tsk …
I hope the DVD has some deleted scenes on it when it comes out, because there was a LOT of the book that was left out.
Anyways, it was pouring when we left the theater, and seeing as how the rain was headed North with us, we stopped by Wal-mart and I picked up a new toy to “guard” my desk: Boga, the feathered lizard-like creature. She’s so cute!!!
Jim’s ex has Jessie tonight, so I’m going to spend most of the night screwing up … I mean … enhancing to my blog. I also plan to work on one of my hobby sites that I have converted to a blog/cms format. (no more hard-coding, yay!)
Jim’s mentioned having Burger King again for dinner … we’re collecting the Star Wars toys that you can get there. The problem, of course, is convincing the BK employee to take a moment to give 4 *different* toys rather than grabbing a handful of the same ones. :P
I mean, they don’t HAVE to take the time and effort to give me different toys … but it’s one of those little things that only takes a few seconds and ensures that I will come back to that particular BK rather than the one closer to my home or work.
… that, and I have 8 Luke Skywalkers, 3 Carbonite-encased Han Solos, and 6 Wickets … I want a Darth Maul, Boba Fett, or Yoda dammit!!!! ;P
May the Force be with you.
well, at least episode 3 is better than the 2nd :) or so i think. the jedis could’ve been smarter/stronger.
why is my name become anonymous?
hrm, I’m not sure. Let me look into that … it had to have been something I’ve installed recently.
Ah! It’s doing that for users who aren’t registered.
Sorry about that. All new comments will show up with the correct names instead of “Anonymous” … was a coding hack that I overlooked. :oops:
Man, for me, it was a tragedy!!
Thumbs down!!
I don´t like it!!