Ugh. I feel like warm recycled dung.
I stayed home from work yesterday, was way too weak to go. I swear, Tuesday night hit me like a bright pink Pepto-induced concrete wall. (I never knew vomit came in Technicolor?!)
Whatever Jim had, and apparently still has, I now have. Oh the freakin’ JOY. (I wanna go back to bed :() Oh well, I’ll live.
The funny thing is, in my fever-induced stupor Tuesday night and early hours of yesterday morning, the bright idea hit me to write down whatever I was thinking. Unfortunately now I can’t remember any of it, nor can I read my own freaking handwriting! (If my head didn’t already hurt so damned much I’d knocked on my desk a few times.)
Oh well, at least tomorrow is Friday, so I can leave work early without too much grief. Someone was giving me a hard time this morning about being out, so I threatened to lick the coffee pots so I could “share” my sickness with everyone. :twisted:
Edit: I set my mood thingy at ‘sleepy’ because I don’t have one for ‘sick’ :P
aaawww, bless ya southern american cotten socks. *snuggle*
Think positive, it’ll detox ya body :p
oh and i’m so stealing that cool little button you made for my site woohoo. “I” have a button woo.
hehe, thanks Darkling. Feel free to swipe the button. :D