I swear, today started out as crapper fodder …
To start it all: I couldn’t sleep last night … I had a headache, which always happens when it rains; plus I had been stewing over the fact that today I turn 30 today … I know, ‘no big deal’ to you old-timers out there, but it’s a big deal to me right now … though I haven’t figured out why yet. Plus I’m hormoning, which as you know, makes everything all better *dripping with rich juicy sarcasm*
(this is all going to strike me as really funny tomorrow … or next week … )
Anyways, I overslept … which put me in a rush because I woke up late. I forgot that Jessie had to wear her costume from Tuesday night’s play today to school (today the kids got to see what we saw Tuesday night), which put me running a little more late. And for whatever reason I decided to take a little time and wear makeup and look nicer today (what was I thinking!?), which put me running a little more late.
Then we had the usual rush hour traffic, but was heavier because we were running late, so Jim and I have a fight about why we were late. He pissed me off, I cried my makeup off, which in turn pissed me off even more. He apologized, I cried more. I got to work, and one of my best friends wished me a happy 40th … he has a great sense of humor, but lousy timing … and so I cried some more.
(honestly, once I get going there’s no stopping … I am Niagara Falls lol … shut up, John :P)
I get my paycheck, and the raise that I got a few weeks ago that was supposed to take effect on this paycheck of course wasn’t there, so at that point I’m ready to throw a temper tantrum and go home. :evil:
Anyways, the day wears on and slowly starts to get better. We left work around 1pm and picked up some food. Jessie got home from school and had an excellent conduct report (after several weeks of “shaky” ones!).
We went out to eat. Jim got me a couple of DVD’s I’ve been dying for, and a nice camera bag for my digital camera (which isn’t that great, but I kept saying I wanted a nice bag to keep it and all my camera stuff in). And Jessie gave me a heart-shaped locket and bracelet, and a card she made with a poem telling me that I’m the “most prettiest best stepmom ever” *sniff*
I’ve had several emails from friends, received some prezzies on NP from my guild, and lots of well wishes on several forums I read … just lookie what Ron from LP gave me :D

Happy Belated B-Day Nittie.
Ment to catch you on irc… however you were awol :p
hope you had a good one once you stopped crying.
And think, in only a years time you’ll be hitting the Big 3-0 :D
LOL, Thanks Darkling.
Michael Hanscom
Happy birthday! Glad it ended better than it began…can only go uphill from there, right? ;)
Awww, thank you Michael! :D
Father Luke
Yeah Thirty is a big deal.
I had no goals for myself for years,
drifting here and there. I have no doubt
that the life you are living is such a present
for you that anything I may come up with in
the way of wisdom will be met with an equal part
by you for the living you have acomplished in those thirty years, Nita.
You are most respected. And you have an earned respect.
There my be no greater gift than the love of those who truly matter. And while I am gratefull for your acquaintance, I also know that some gifts may never be repayed.
For the gift of your friendship, I am eternally in your debt. . .
Happy Birthday.