Had a busy weekend. We bought new desks for our gear, so the better part of Friday and Saturday was moving everything around while trying not to knock the network offline or kill one of the routers. :P
Jessie spent Saturday and Sunday with Jim’s mom, so we had some quiet time to rearrange everything. I swear, I never realized how much crap I had in my desk! (as soon as I find my camera, I’ll take some pics)
Jessie has a play tomorrow night. It’s called E-I-E-I-Uh Oh! hehe, she plays a sheep and has one of the speaking parts. :D *beams with pride* Of course, she had to have a costume, and they didn’t send any notes or anything with details until Friday, which really pissed me off … but oh well, what can ya do?
She had to have some ears and a tail matching a white shirt and pants. (White pants are HARD to find right now, sheeeeesh!) I found out later that she could’ve also worn either tan or black, but I had lucked up at Walmart and Hobby Lobby on some material for a matching tail and ears. Remember the old fleecey wool-like material they used to line coats with? I found a yard of that, and bought some felt, a spool of thread, and some needles. I spent all of Saturday night sewing a tail to her pants and some ears to one of her headbands.
I hadn’t made anything like that since high school, and I hadn’t sewn in years … Mrs. Morton would’ve been so proud! :D hehehe
Anyways, hopefully I can get some pictures of her tomorrow night with her costume on, and if so, I’ll post them. ;)
Jim and I never did go see Sin City. I’m still dying to see it, but finding time when we don’t have anywhere to be, something already planned, or finding a sitter to keep Jessie proves to be an inconvenience. :P Oh well, I settled on watching Fifth Element for the 500th time. A while back, Jim had bought “the Ultimate Edition” Fifth Element DVD. It’s a 2-disk set with several hours of extras. No deleted scenes or bloopers. *pout* But it did one really cool thing I liked: on-screen trivia playing with the movie. Little unknown facts about the movie, the characters, actors, etc. that pop up at relevant points in the movie. I didn’t see all of them, but what I did see was really cool. :D
My birthday is Friday. [sarcasm] Yay. Woohoo. The Big 3-Oh. Wooptie Freakin’ Doo.[/sarcasm] (shutup Matt! :P) I made up my mind a while back that I’m going to be 29 again this year. That works! :D
EDIT: I totally forgot this part: Jessie gave me my birthday present early. She and Jim’s mom went to the mall Saturday and she bought me a card, bracelet, and a heart-shaped locket.

*yawn* I’m sleepy as hell. My cat kept waking me up at odd times last night. She freaked me out this morning. She laid down right in front of my face, laying nose to nose with me. So when I woke up, my first sight was a pair of dark feline eyes staring at me. :shock:
Looks like I’ll be going to bed early tonight — if she does it again, I’m going to tape her to the ceiling. :twisted:
(just kidding … maybe … ;))
There’s this beautiful woman in a picture on your site and I just had to comment. :) *hugs*
In case I miss saying so on your birthday, Happy Birthday! 29 all over again! :-)
hehehe, thanks Jeffy. *hugs* :)