I’ve been meaning to sit down and do this for a while, just haven’t found the time until now. A quick catchup:
Christmas was pretty good. My dad behaved himself for the most part. I got a whole bunch of clothes from my parents. I got the digital tablet (early) from Jim and a few goodies. Jessie gave me a lovely pen, hehe.
New Year’s Eve wasn’t bad either. We had to work, but it was only a half day. It was Jim’s birthday, so we got a babysitter and went out. Our buddy DJ Vez was hosting a party in Irondale. He mixed for a bit inside while we burned everything in his yard outside. Hint: never get me around fire when I’m drinking! LOL. I become quite the pyro, as Moporoco saw and captured on his cam. But it was a good time for all. We stayed over there late into the evening and stayed until about 3 or so and headed to WaffleHouse for some grub. (I was STARVING! Bastid didn’t feed us. ;))
Since then it’s been mostly work, and little updates to my sites. I had announced that the SATUF site was closing (which I’ve been saying since October). I’ve been using a lot of my time lately to develop a website for an up and coming local singer (to be announced later).
I’ve also been lending resources to a friend of mine, Critter. His English wife left him to go back to the UK, and took their son with him. After finding out that his now-soon-to-be-ex wife had been having an affair, and went back to the UK to be with her lover, and planned to keep her son there.

Also, a bit of humor … there are tons of those “personality” tests out there. You can find out what kind of animal you are, etc. I took a World of Darkness test (RGP/LARP), and here are my results:

Take the World of Darkness Quiz
by David J Rust
Well I’m surprised, aren’t you? ;)
The Socials
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