I saw my surgeon yesterday — well, actually I saw tons of people. My surgery is scheduled for next Wednesday morning. I’ve already had my pre-admission blood-work done, talked to the anesthesiologist, spoke with several hospital staff who were going to be involved in various things. I’ve been given a list of medications that I can’t take over the next week — but my daily medications have been OK’d, as well as my migraine pain meds. (which I was worried about because I get a headache when I’m stressed and I’m sure I’ll be a bundle of frayed nerves that day)
I was given a pamphlet called “Understanding Laparoscopic Gallbladder Surgery” … it’s on the gallbladder, what causes gallstones, and what will happen during the surgery, that sort of thing. (and I can’t get over how cartoony this thing is!) I’ve got one of those breathing things (called an Incentive Spirometer) that I’m supposed to start using next week, leading up to the day of the surgery and afterwards. Jim had one when he was in the hospital but had forgotten to bring it home with us.
He wants me to keep mine after the surgery so he can play with it. :rolleyes_tb:
I’ve been given some funny looking stuff (chlorhexidine gluconate?) to wash my tummy and surrounding areas with the night before. I have several long lists of things not to do or wear the day of the surgery — no makeup, no jewelry, no bra even! (oh yeah, this is going to be fun) Plus Jim is threatening to bring the video camera just in case the anesthesia makes me loopy. He’s heard stories of how entertaining I was when I had my wisdom teeth cut out and thinks I’ll be “hilarious”. (at this rate, I’m going to leave him at home!)
The surgery I’m having is called a laparoscopic cholecystectomy (removing my gallbladder). It’s an outpatient procedure, so if there are no complications I’ll go home that afternoon.
Thank you all for your advice, warm wishes, and prayers. I really appreciate it. :)
I had a vasectomy last friday and it was a piece of cake (btw, don’t tell mom/dad). It didn’t take long at all, and I didn’t feel at thing. They brought me too in the operating room, and I was fine. They wheeled me straight back to my room where CAR/kids were. I ate two muffins, asked for some scotch, drank some coke, peed, and was gone in 15 minutes. I drove the same day, I cut grass both both saturday and sunday, and I had sex on monday. My one day procedure was a piece of cake, and doesn’t hurt any more than a bruise would.
LOL, well your snipped bits are located differently than my soon-to-be-snipped bits. I’ve been told to expect some pain, but as long as it’s nothing like what I’ve had the past few weeks, I’ll be fine. :)
Hope it all goes smoothly for you. As smoothly as it can when someone is playing around with your insides. :)
Thanks Ben :D
Good luck, I just happen to have three weeks experience with the spirometer as I am recovering from my surgery.
I hope everything goes to plan, and that Jim doesn’t get too much incriminating footage (or at least he shares what he does get with us so we can laugh along).
heh, he got off a couple shots of me in my hospital gown, but luckily there was nothing more after that. :)
Hope you are recovering well!
Hey Babe. :-)
I just thought you might want to know that another Alabama blogger from the Birmingham area, Kathy, whose blog is @ http://www.queervoice.net/kmcmullen/, is having her gall bladder removed TODAY. You may want to check with her and ask how her surgery turns out.
Don’t let Jim know that I’m flirting with you and sending you some HUGE HUGS and best wishes.
Well, if you’re gonna play with something from the hospital, then an incentive spirometer is a good one to pick. :)
You’re number 3 out of people I know or have met that have or is having their gall bladder taken out here in the last month. Is there something in the water I should know about? Hopefully there won’t be any more since they say things happen in 3s. :)
Hope everything goes well!
Yeah, it has really surprised me how many people I know that have had this done!
Apparently it’s a very common thing now. :::shrug:::
You have probably already had the procedure by now. All I can say is how much better life will be once you have recovered.
I had my gall bladder removed a couple or 3 years ago. All the pain and suffering is now a thing of the past.
Good luck and hope they don’t have to convert to a full open surgery as they did with me. When the camera went in, there was so much scar tissue surrounding the artery and the tube that connects to the rest of the system that they couldn’t safely remove the bladder without opening me up.
As I said – life will be much better – you will now be able to eat cream and all the other things you have had to leave alone :)
Thanks for the well wishes and for stopping by! :)
I have 4 small incisions — they hurt like a you-know-what but the pain meds are mostly taking care of that.
I didn’t want any ice cream, but I’ve been gobbling down as much Jell-O as Jim can feed me! :D
Devilish Southern Belle
Best of luck with the surgery!